Tell City / Hawesville Delays (OR 729) – There are no local port service providers in the areas of Hawesville and Tell City causing delays for local docks receiving barges.
Ohio River Low Water – Currently we are cut back 9 -10 percent on loading drafts full river due to Cumberland Bar OR923-925 gauge falling out.
McAlpine Lock Closure (OR 606) – Starting July 8th thru November 30th starting at 07:00 to 19:00 / up to 10 hours a day, there will be daily closures to downbound traffic while work is being conducted with normal operations resuming in the evening.
Markland Lock Closure (OR 531) – The main chamber will be closed to navigation for two separate four-week closures. The first closures will take place July 8th thru August 2nd, and the second from August 12th thru September 6th. All traffic will pass through the Auxiliary Chamber during the respective closures.
Hannibal Lock Closure (OR 126) – The primary chamber will be down for maintenance work from June 3rd to November 8th starting 06:00 to 23:59. The auxiliary chamber will remain open to navigation during that period, but there will be instances announced in advance where both chambers are closed for up to 12 hours to facilitate concrete placement.
Kentucky Lock (TR 22) – Daily closures scheduled May 27th thru August 10th from 06:00-18:00 for replacement of Gate Fenders.
Chicago/Illinois/Upper Miss
Upper Miss High Water Update – Savage’s closure last week was followed by St. Paul’s harbor closure at 14′ of gauge on Sunday 6/23. The present gauge forecast for St. Paul suggests that the river will not fall below 14′ and reopen until ~7/5.
Lock closures due to high water may be triggered on the Upper Miss below St. Paul.
Lock 1 closed on 06/28 and to reopen today, 07/01.
Lock 3 closed on 06/29 and to reopen tomorrow, 07/02.
Lock 12 closed 07/01 and expected to reopen 07/20.
Lock 13 expected to close on 07/04 and expected to reopen 07/20.
Lock 16 & 17 closed 07/01 and expected to reopen on 07/20.
Lock 20 closed 07/03 and expected to reopen on 07/18.
Lock 11 through 18 all are facing potential closures based on forecast. More information to be determined.
Louisiana Railroad Bridge will close today, July 3rd, and expected to reopen on 07/17.
2025 Planned Illinois River Lock Port Closure – The closure of the Lockport Lock, River Mile 291, starting January 14th, 2025, through March 11th, 2025. The purpose of this closure is for the installation of the new Vertical Lift Gates, and sill & seal modifications and repairs. This closure will inhibit the ability to move barges from the Illinois to Chicago and Chicago to Illinois.
Lower Miss/Gulf/Canals/Tenn Tom
Lower Miss Low Water Impact – Due to the current river stage and operating conditions, ACBL has implemented draft and tow-size restrictions listed below.
Loading drafts were reduced to 13% NBD Gulf to Cairo, 16% SBD Cairo to Rosedale, and 8% SBD Rosedale to the Gulf.
Approx. reduction of 300 Tons per barge NBD, 400 Tons per barge SBD to Rosedale, and 200 tons Rosedale to the Gulf.
Tow size has been reduced pending horsepower classification by 14-25%, or 5-10 barges.
Expect delay to transit of 24-to-48 hours due to reduced navigable space in certain areas.
Dredge Potter (LM 928) – The dredge is expected to arrive August 25th or 26th with a 24-hour closure, then will clear the queue, then will have a second 24-hour closure and will remain out of the channel for the remainder of the project.
Milton Bell Revetment (LM 908) – There will be daily southbound closures to southbound traffic from 06:00 to 18:00 starting September 1st thru the 5th.
Sunrise Revetment (LM 775) – There will be daily southbound closures to southbound traffic from 06:00 to 18:00 and expected to start September 1st.
Cedar Point Closure (LM 759) – There are daily southbound closures that started July 10th from 07:00 to 19:00 for stone placement on the dike. Not expecting any impact to northbound transit at this time. Completion is anticipated for September 18th.
Dredge Jadwin (LM 709) – The dredge is expected to mobilize the week of 08/26 with rolling 24-hour closures. Expected to be a five-day job.
Webbers Falls Lock Closure (AK 366) – Tulsa District USACE is scheduling a complete maintenance closure of Webbers Falls L&D 16, from the 26th of August through 8 September 2024 to inspect downstream miter gates. Intermittent delays are expected to occur in the weeks preceding the closure as well.
Van Buren Bridge Closure (AK 300) – Rehabilitation work began August 22nd and is expected thru September 8th from 05:00 to 17:00. During this time the bridge will remain in the lowered position. However, onsite crews will attempt to clear traffic on day 9 or 10 while test lifts are being conducted. Additionally, shuttle barges will be permitted to pass beneath the closed span while the navigation span is clear of equipment.
Convent Pipeline Removal (LM 158) – There will be an approximate 37-day project to take place starting August 18th thru September 24th. There are no expected closures at this time, but industry expects restricted movement through the area as work progresses.
Bayou Sorrel Lock Closure (PA 37) – Daily closures Monday through Friday resumed June 26th, 2023, through December 2024, to facilitate guide wall repairs from 07:00 to 16:00.
Harvey Lock Delay (WC 0.0) – As of August 19th, the lock is closed until further notice due to low water and reverse head conditions.
Brazos Lock Closure (WC 401) – Daytime closure started August 31st, 2023, and is expected to last thru October 2024.
John C Stennis Lock Closure (TT 334) – There will be a 30-day closure starting September 4th at 06:00 until October 3rd at 06:00.
Aberdeen Lock Closure (TT 357) – There will be a 30-day closure starting September 5th at 06:00 until October 4th at 06:00.
Holt Lock & Dam Closure (WT 347) – The lock has been closed to transit since June 22nd at 12:00 due to cracking that was previously being monitored. Currently, repairs are expected to take up to five months to complete